Friday, August 13, 2010

Mar, Present!

Hey there fancy 15. Enough of you have asked why I haven't posted in a while or where I have been or how the next screenplay was coming along...while there are many levels of "well" and "well enough" to suffice as answers, for the most part I am here, being everpresent.

Its been a whirlwindy month and a half -mostly a bad wind coiffuring the cap of my wits into a medusa like state. An event late last month that I was looking forward to had turned out beautifully -unfortunately with unexpected horrible circumstances lacing its hem. I'm not going to get too into it but let's just say that if you've seen this scene from Family Guy, then you have an accurate reinactment of my Canadian vacation:

I'm still waiting for it to be 'real life' funny so I can spin it in into something written but I'm not there yet. Though I never got sick, everyone is now fully recovered...but I'm not gonna lie, there were days where I wished I were blowin chunks just so I could get some rest...

More travel dates are coming up and its all I can think of!! Hopefully this time nobody gets food poisoning, or stomach flu, or diarrhea. I'd like for us all to enjoy riding "Its a Small World" without clutching the Kaopectate and for my husband and I to enjoy New York without...well, diarrhea. haha

So I'm here; living, experiencing, getting inspired... How have you all been?

1 comment:

  1. Hey Mariel!! Glad to see I'm not the only blogger. Feel free to stop by and visit me :). Stay gorgeous.
