Thursday, January 6, 2011

Tick Tock

I was sitting at the dining room table cutting out traces of buzz light year buttons and wings from fancy construction paper for my son's first birthday, thinking about how fast time goes. This time last year I was 200 lbs and contemplating how to evict my son OUT of my body without him getting offended. This time two years ago I was curled up in a ball deciding if I was crying because I got laid off or because Obama's inauguration. It was back then that I decided that I was going to make writing work out for me....

and then life happened. Not all the promises I made myself when I turned 25 have been fulfilled but I've also received so much more than I can think up for myself. Still I wonder sometimes if I should just go to school to be an english teacher and succumb to the bracket of people who "can't and therefore teach." I just hate the thought of wasted time. This time four years ago I went back to school for the second time thinking I was going to be a nurse or a doctor...which is hilarious because the people that know me personally know that I can't be made to do something I don't want and I HATE science, biology, anatomy, etc.. but I seriously thought I could push through with the adrenaline of doing it for my kid. Needless to say I didn't succ
eed and time went on leaving that potential behind.
Should I just belt out Sunrise, Sunset from Fiddler On The Roof already and claim victim to time?

Well I'm not there yet nor do I think I'll ever be an elder Jewish lady watching a traditional Orthodox wedding. It's a new year and I've got so many plans that even on day 6 of 2011 I already feel behind. A few main things Im looking forward to in the coming months:

-Going back to school. I'm enrolled at the Academy of Art University working toward my BFA in Motion Pictures and Television. Though I'm pretty confident in my work, there's always room to learn more and grow. My mom always used to say "If you pretend to know everything, then you won't learn anything." What can I say? She's right.
-Shooting an Indie Doc. Currently getting things together, research, equipment, storyboards, etc. and shooting in the BC area in June. I'm excited.
-Book of Mar's facelift. I will be merging my photoblog with this one and adding more bells and whistles. Can you picture it?!?! No? Ah, you'll see.

Anyway, I promised myself two years ago that by the time I turn 28 something I wrote would be taking its tangible form. I'm turning 27 in...11 days so the clock is TICKING! In the meantime I'll be living in a daydream as the parade of awards season commence; while living in the moment of celebrating the milestones up ahead with jessie and buzz goody bags! Yay:)