"I'm gonna bet mine's longer than yours."
I was hopeful for this one. Many Indie breakouts premiered at their festival and alumni included Paranormal Activity director Oren Peli and Maria Full of Grace writer Joshua Marston. So why doesn't it include future Academy Award Nominee for Best Original Screenplay (at least!): me? I'm going to pull out the 'it's just not my time' coupled with the 'my script needs further editing' index cards.
So much has been going on that I barely had a second to be angry or feel sorry for myself or get frustrated that I'm getting old and I'm going to need to pay for private school tuitions soon and I still havent built my dream (tree) house -ok I'm thinking about it now. But I'm trying to keep up beat and positive...plus so much has been going on in my personal life that I'm soaking it in and filing it under the inspiration folder.
I'm not gonna lie, I got a little discouraged. I courted daydreams of returning to an insignificant job and being content with this being as good as it got until I died. The only thing I drafted in the past month or so was my list of pros and cons in regards to my writing... the list of cons was much MUCH longer but the font on my pros was much larger and bolder.
In the end I dont want a long list of things that I did, I want a significant list of things that I loved...